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Transgender Phenomena in Children and Adolescents

Medical and Psychological Aspects

Christl Ruth Vonholdt

The following article summarizes current research information from the medical and psychological fields around the issue of transgenderism in children and adolescents. Knowing these facts can help us have more compassion and care better for vulnerable and hurting children – and also have more compassion for the difficult situation parents are often in.

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Transgender Issues in Children and Adolescents

Christl Ruth Vonholdt in an interview with journalist Michal Cop, Bratislava

July 1, 2022

  1. At what age are the first cases of transgenderism being diagnosed?

Transgenderism is a multi-faceted phenomenon, not homogenous at all and not an official diagnosis. It is neither inborn nor biologically fixed. It can start early in childhood, at the beginning of puberty, during puberty or at any time later. Transgender feelings can change throughout one’s lifespan.

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